Metepenagiag Family wellness Day

The Metepenagiag Health Centre hosted a Family Wellness Event, filled with great information on overall health, prizes, and even a healthy BBQ! Compared to the typical hotdog and hamburger BBQ, this event had chicken and pork kabobs, whole wheat pitas, salads, vegetable trays, fruit salads, and refreshing watermelon! What an awesome and delicious way to help promote healthy eating. We had no trouble getting our five fruits and vegetables in that day!


We were invited to promote 5210 at the event. Our summer student, Kelsey, had a booth where people could come join us and spin the wheel to try out new fruits and vegetables, like mangos, avocados, and mushrooms! After that they could try a refreshing glass of water, infused with a bag of frozen berries; a simple an easy way to kick sugary drinks to the curb!


What an awesome day to promote wellness in the community! Great Work Metepenagiag!